Sunday, 30 June 2013

Being Single


Being Single
                I can say that being single is one of the toughest thing you’ll ever encounter today. You’re going to wonder how this feel does. What will you feel if someone is texting you from morning to afternoon ‘till past midnight. You’re going to see lots of couples in your campus and feel a little bit of shame for yourself because you have none. Well all I can say is: That is OKAY.
                Being at the last year of being high school and at the age 15, I'm not feeling so alone because I don’t have a boyfriend. Remember, you’re so young. Though some people are going to say that the reason why you don’t have boyfriend is because you’re ugly, NO YOU’RE ABSOLUTELY NOT. It is just that, it is not the right time for you. There are still other chances like when you were in college or when you’re working already. And one thing is you need to enjoy high school. There are some circumstances that you need to face when you had a boyfriend during these years. I’m not doing this because I’m bitter because I also don’t have boyfriend. NO. I’m writing down this because I can see something in here that can brighten up the days of single people and  even the one in a relationship.  So now I’m going to share to you the advantage of being single.


                Well this is the first one I guess since you have more time to concentrate well on your studies and think about your future well. Since you’re going to study in college, you need to pick the profession you want to explore. Remember that college will be your future so no distraction will be great.
                Sometimes I really envy those people who are able to be in a relationship and excel well at school. I think time management is very important.

                One thing also is it is less to your problem. Sometimes you have to problem about this or about that. You need to find time being together OR you need to treat her in the finest restaurant you know OR you need to buy another couple ring (this of is usually the problems of men).

This is true. When you’re not in a relationship you can save well. (It depends also if you’re not thrifty then you can’t save). When you have money, you can buy lots of stuff for yourself (it depends also if you’re super rich kid).

And last but not the least…

                You have more time to make friends and I guess you’d be happier. (I guess I’m being bitter hihihi.) I mean what was the purpose of being in a relationship if you can’t make enough laughs and happy memories with them, right? And another thing is friends won’t leave you. Whenever you roll on the corridor (where WE actually did and YES we are crazy), whenever you trip in front of many people, or when you look crazy dancing in front of everyone. There will be NO TURN OFFS. You can be yourself. I’m actually thinking that if ever I’m going to have a bf, probably I’m still going to do those things even in front of him ‘coz you know some of them hide themselves in a very enclosed shell to make them feel like they are a decent person but I think that’s not right. You need to be who you are. As long as there are friends who can understand your weirdness that’s okay. Friend relationship is one of the most important things you need to have during your school days.

I guess that’s enough for now. See yah.

-          Be true always, RM