Saturday, 29 March 2014

Things that I am going to miss in high school

It is true that I really do regret my years of not studying in high school and I know that it is too late for that, but despite of that regret that I’m feeling, I can never deny that I’m really going to miss my high school. I may be so mean but I never missed being grade school but high school, damn. There is no doubt that high school is one of the most memorable, outrageous and the craziest part of our lives. But it’s too bad that I’m going to say goodbye to it, in the part where I still want to stay.

High School became the happiest part of my life, despite of so many problems and immature things that I had gone through. But all I can say is it is like a cliff-hanger. I want to spend more being a teen. But of course we can’t stop aging. We need to grow up.
Before, I say that I’m so lucky that I’ve never been a part of the K-12 program, but now, men I want to be. I still want to spend two more years with my friends. I still want to. There are lots of things that I’m going to miss, and these are:

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Love brought me blessings


Before you start, there is a little bit of reminder. As you know, I’m still not sure if I already know love so the love that I’m referring to this entry is what I’m feeling.

Like I said before, my true love had never gone by and I don’t consider anything I feel as true love ‘coz I’m just a teenage girl. But now let’s set aside it a bit. Well, like I also said before, I really envy those people who can balance both love and studies but a thing never came up to my mind, that I also can do that.
Well maybe if someone knows me reads this; he or she might say that “What is she saying? She doesn’t even have a boyfriend.” Well that is not the thing that I’m talking about. YES! It is true that I never had a boyfriend but there is just someone who motivated me, who changed my mind and it may sound as cliché as cliché but that person brought me back to the right path.
Like I said in my entry about happiness, he’s particularly annoying, sometimes you’re going to say ‘who the heck are you?’ Well yeah and it actually became severed because of certain reasons.
At actually the middle part, I told myself that I really don’t want him anymore because:

Monday, 10 March 2014

Journalism Part 3: My biggest blessing so far…

I once said that Division Schools Press Conference is one of the most difficult contests in journalism. I just want to say that this time I’ll take my word for that.

Regional Schools Press Conference is a way harder. It is not because it was a level higher; it is because of the amount of all the aspiring journalists who’re desperate (and yes I used desperate) to advance to the National Schools Press Conference are way too high. Plus, they’ll be taking just the Top 7. Imagine you’ll be competing with hundreds of students and they will select 7 best articles and only the Top 3 will go to the NSPC.

In our Phase II training at Alfonso Central School, I can just simply describe what are the results my articles, THEY ARE ALL BAD! I mean none of them are even correct, even in the right way of format. That is just two days away from the contest itself. But in our stay at Dasmarinas Elementary School, I found another way on how to motivate myself, and I’m going to tell you, that it is not easy, because that motivation is a risk.

I won’t give any further explanation about that motivation because now it is completely gone (I guess), but what I wanted to have right now is to share to you my experience, the lessons that I got from that contest.

The value of friendship