Saturday, 3 May 2014

JOURNALISM PART 4: The National Schools Press Conference

It became a long way for me to get into National Level of the most prestigious competition in Campus Journalism, and I know it was a long way to make this entry too haha, so here I am again, dealing with my thoughts. You know I had a problem with my mind these past few days. It’s not into blogging that’s why last Saturday I didn’t have any entry. Anyway, so now that my brain is working (yehey finally!), I’m writing down here the lessons I learned from the Nationals. I know, I’m always writing all the things I realized at Journalism, but the urge has always been there, and I need to deal with it.

Reaching the National is not easy. You have to go through lots of trainings, frustrations, mood swings etc. Until now, I truly believe that in Journalism, you still need to hold on to the power of luck. I’m not being bitter. I accepted everything with ease when my name is not called on the roster of winners, later I’ll explain why.

Going to the NSPC is already an achievement, WINNING IS JUST A BONUS. I’m not bitter (again lol), but not all the people, who are wanting and desperate, to go to the NSPC are given the chance (and I know lots of them). So reaching this far, as a first timer who once turned her back at Journalism is already an achievement. Simply, this is my biggest achievement. 


When I didn’t won, I didn’t felt a single pain in my heart, I’m telling the truth, because I know, that I will never win. You know that kind of feeling, when you lose all your hope in a certain thing or people, that’s what I felt that time. I realized that losing hope can sometimes be great, in the end you’ll never get hurt. Why? It is because you already prepared yourself for the worst outcome.

But losing hope doesn’t necessarily means that you have to give up on all the things you tried so hard to get to. NSPC is the last contest, this is the end, but it doesn’t mean that you cannot continue writing. You have to continue because it is a blessing. Writing is a skill, and in order to gain that skill, you have to put lots and lots of effort. You have to continue writing to get to the NSPC again in the next year’s contest if you still have a chance but if you already graduated, then pursue it in college. I’m willing to join organizations that involve Journalism (although Journalism is not my course), because I still want to get in touch to the place where I first learned the essence of life, of school, of love and interacting with people.


I’m going to admit that NSPC days are one of the toughest days on my life. Why? It is because I know that my co-sports writers level up, a lot. Instead of improving, I stoop down. It became too late for me to gain my confidence again. My frustrations are killing me. SO I need to deal with my emotions very well.

The first thing that I truly realized at Journalism is that your number one opponent is yourself. Those from other regions are not your rivals. They are also competing with themselves. Why? It is because it is your choice to make a good article or not. It is your choice to let nervousness crawl inside. It’s always your choice.


Acceptance. If you cannot accept what really happened, then you’ll be the one to lose. Sometimes, I really do regret making entries about love, when I’m not really sure about what I feel. Actually, love became the biggest factor why I became frustrated. I know that I’m writing for someone, that’s why when I lost that someone, it devastated me. But in the end I accepted that things will never be the same again. I gave up because I know that it is for the better.

I learned an important lesson from my trainer; my friends will keep on giving you advices to your problems, but in the end, it’ll still be your decision to choose which one can change your situation.
I’m fragile when it comes to my problems. I always want someone to be there for me and help me, but I learned that I should stand on my own and control my own emotions. I learned that I should select a problem to ask for help and which one I should keep to myself.


I don’t know how to thank Journalism about this, but I learned A LOT on how to interact with people. I’m an introvert before, I’m going to admit it. I don’t care about people who are not close to me, I don’t care if I’m always alone or in my bedroom, studying. But when I returned to Journalism, I realized that things won’t work if I’m not going to change my snob attitude. Plus, I know that my look is so snob people won’t approach me so I’m the one approaching them.

Now that I am in college, I can use what I learned about interacting with people. Actually, when I’m enrolling, I never thought that those who are next to me are actually those people who will be my classmates! I interact with the two of them, and in the first day of school, I’m not going to be a loner, I’m sure that I have friends already. Yey me!


I did my best in that contest although I forgot the name of the losing player huhu. I’m happy because I never regret anything except for cutting my hair. I’m happy because I reached the NSPC for the first timer me. So even though I didn’t win, I’m still happy because God gave me an opportunity to be here.
You know, when I realized that I forgot to write the first name of the losing player, I know that I’m not going to win and the level of my opponents are also the same as ours. In short, it is a neck-and-neck battle (yey I’m correct with the neck-and-neck only half kidding). So when I learned that I did something wrong, I never expected in the awarding that I’m going to win. I just want one of us to win because I don’t want to disappoint our beloved trainer. Good thing one of us won and he topped. He’s the best secondary sports writer in the Philippines. So proud of you bro!
So those are the lessons I learned at the NSPC. Actually, I miss them a lot huhu. The bond that I made with them (especially to my partner forever who’s always complaining that to me whenever I tease him LOL), those crazy adventures (with Symon and Lawrence), I know that I’m going to miss them a lot. Honestly, I felt that I left Journalism a lot more than graduating. LOL! But I’m thankful that God gave me such a great opportunity, a priceless experience (literally priceless haha), and I did something valuable in my high school life cuz I’m lame lol. So there you have it! I hope you guys got something from my possibly last Journalism entry (huhu I wish this is not). So if ever you’re given the opportunity to join the prestigious contest in Journalism, take it. I’m telling you maybe you won’t forget the experience you gonna get in your whole life. Journalism is a blessing. J

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